Jesus' humble entrance into the world changed the future forever.

God, in the flesh, brought hope to a world filled with corruption, chaos, and moral decay. In the little town of Bethlehem during the utter confusion of the census, Jesus' birth silently swept in like a wintery snow.

Questions arise like why did the Wise Men bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts for Jesus? Why not blankets, clothes, and toys? That seems more practical and useful.

Imagine the Wise Men just doing their thing, when out of nowhere they notice a new star beaming in the sky. As astrologers, these men were experts in the field of studying the night sky. Night after night, they understood the details surrounding the stars and their formations. But, what was this star singing in the east? Where did it come from? Checking their records and charts, it was nowhere to be found. In all their wisdom and knowledge, possibly Numbers 24:17 popped into their minds...

"A Star shall come out of Jacob; A Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and batter the brow of Moab and destroy all the sons of tumult."

With little time to waste the Wise Men begin following this star. Imagine their journey. Possibly they were singing praise songs or contemplating what they would say first. With every step, their hearts beat faster and faster.

Keeping their eyes on the star their journey ends at the little town of Bethlehem. Excitement builds. Joy fills their hearts.

"Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him." (Matt. 2:2)

Still following the star, they notice the starlight beaming brightly on a meek little home. The pounding of their hearts resembles their knock on the door. As it slowly opens, they spot a toddler clinging to his mother's leg. Tears slowly well up and they can hardly contain themselves. The King, the Messiah humbly stands before them. In awe of His presence, these Wise Men fall on their knees before Him in worship and praise.

Without a word, they begin digging into their bags. One by one they lay their treasured gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh at the feet of the Child - the long-awaited King. Tears puddle beneath them. Physically weary yet spiritually energized they leave this humble abode to return home. What a trip back that must have been.

Reading through Matthew 2:1-18, God reveals some treasured gifts for each of us. Why did the Wise Men choose these three gifts? Let's discover some deeper meanings and purposes.

Gold symbolized Royalty - The King of the Jews

Frankincense was a Fragrance - Used in the Temple to represent Priesthood

Myrrh was an Ointment of Death - Prophesying Jesus' Death

God had it all planned. He directed the Wise Men not only with the Star for direction but also with the perfect gifts! Each of these items had both spiritual and prophetic significance as well as they were all very valuable gifts. As a result, these presents provided Joseph and Mary with the financial resources needed to flee to Egypt, escaping the wrath of Herod (Matt. 2:13-18). They experienced God providing for them every step of the way.

Oh, I love how God teaches so many life lessons through His Word that we can apply to our lives!

May this Christmas be one you will remember as life-changing. Not because of the gifts you receive or places you go, but one that embeds a deeper desire for a relationship with Jesus.

Maybe the most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of prayer... a gift that keeps on giving.

From My Heart to yours,

Carla McDougal